Organisation and location:

Stichting Mount Meru, located in Veghel, Chamber of Commerce 63337657
Mount Meru Foundation
Dorshout 9
5462 GL Veghel
Tel. 0630388322 ( Anna Lied Poelstra-Sanders)
RABO NL12RABO0304084557
ANBI/Tax number: 855192835


Lucie Driessen (chairman)
Anna Lied Poelstra-Sanders (treasury)
Saja Erens (secretary)
Sjan de Weert (general member)


Stichting Mount Meru aims to contribute to improving maternal and child healthcare in Africa. The foundation seeks to share its expertise and experience in midwifery and ultrasound with colleagues in Tanzania.

The funds received will be used to train ultrasound specialists and purchase ultrasound equipment, which will be made available to colleagues in Tanzania.

The board members do not receive any compensation.

Margriet fund:

The many donations made in memory of Margriet for Stichting Mount Meru in 2022 have been designated under the name Fonds Margriet. This ensures that the amount of €3,429.02 can be used for a suitable purpose in due time.

Support the past year:

In 2024, Stichting Mount Meru received financial support from various individuals. The board members did not claim any expenses for their activities and did not receive any compensation.


The foundation receives annual donations from a number of loyal donors, as well as generous one-time donations.
The costs for the website were donated by our website administrator.


The bottle deposit fundraising campaign also generated a wonderful amount of €2,032.30 in 2024.

Bank accounts:

The foundation has both a checking account and a savings account.
Financial report - revenue 2024:

Donations (regular donors / spontaneous donations, etc.)


Remonstrant Church Eindhoven


Rotary Wijchen




Bottle deposit fundraising




Financial reporting expenses 2024:



Training Costs  "Further training for a graduated ultrasound specialist" and placement of three students in the one-year ultrasound training program in Dodoma.


Bank charges




Tablet for Moshi and accessories




Training Costs:

De nieuwe echo-opleiding van 1 jaar in Moshi had in 2024 geen plaats voor kandidaten van de Mount Meru Stichting maar 3 leerlingen kregen wel een plaats bij de sinds 2022 gestarte opleiding in Dodoma.
Ook kon er een afgestudeerde Mount Meru echoscopist voor nog een extra training naar Regina Namumba gaan.
De Stichting heeft Regina Namumba , een zeer ervaren echoscopiste met wie de Stichting vruchtbaar samenwerkte in het Mount Meru ziekenhuis in Arusha , bereid gevonden om een intensieve hands-on training voor (door ons geselecteerde) echoscopisten  te geven. Regina is per 01-11-2024 begonnen met een nieuwe baan in een kliniek op Zanzibar. Ze kan daar doorgaan met het geven hands-on-trainingen voor kandidaten voor de Stichting Mount Meru.

Bank charges:

Monthly banking fees need to be paid.

Costs for ultrasound equipment and accessories:

In 2024, a new tablet with accessories was purchased to replace Veronika's old tablet in Moshi.


In conclusion, the foundation had a positive balance of €7,968.25 in 2024. The balance of the checking and savings accounts on January 1, 2024, was €24,618.29. Throughout the year, funds were received from several donors, various fundraising campaigns, and other donations.

The total balance of the checking and savings accounts on December 31, 2024, was €32,586.54.