improves mother and child care in Afrika
Our program "Adopt an ultrasound technician" is bearing fruit! Thanks in part to your support, various ultrasound scans in Tanzania were able to successfully complete their basic training. Our board member Saja visited Veronika Tarimo as a second nurse to evaluate the progress and see how we can guide her further in the coming two years.
Veronika works in the TPC hospital and on the Mamabus. The Mamabus serves the rural areas around the city of Moshi. Veronika is very motivated. Thanks to her great dedication and thanks to your support, she has really gotten into the ultrasound.
Saja went with Veronika on the Mamabus, which visited a lively and colorful Maasai market in a village. A large group of people were together there. It was the ideal situation for Veronika to provide information and invite pregnant women to come to the bus for an ultrasound.
The positive impact of mobile ultrasound was immediately apparent: a number of time limits could be adjusted, making better pregnancy monitoring possible. There was also a nice surprise that day: Veronika was able to identify twins with a woman who was eighteen weeks pregnant. Now that the woman knows that she will have twins, the care can be better adapted to her situation.
Veronika is very driven to become proficient in ultrasound. We discussed how we can shape that wish in the coming two years. We will keep you informed!