In March, we were able to offer Jackline Shirima from Himo another training session with our regular trainer Regina Namumba. Jackline was very motivated to attend; she even brought her baby and nanny along to Tabora to continue breastfeeding. This time, she focused mainly on optimizing biometry in the third trimester.

This was the second time Jackline attended an ultrasound refresher course with Regina. The previous time was in the summer of 2021, and Regina was extremely impressed with the progress Jackline had made in the meantime. So, the training is yielding results!

Ultrasound is a field where continuous learning and training are essential to maintain quality. Therefore, it aligns with the mission and vision of our foundation to regularly send our sonographers for training, which we can provide thanks to your support. Would you like to help further improve maternal and child care in Tanzania? Click here!


The training of midwife Jackline is bearing fruit!