Organisation and location:

Stichting Mount Meru, located in Veghel, Chamber of Commerce 63337657
Mount Meru Foundation
Dorshout 9
5462 GL Veghel
Tel. 0630388322 ( Anna Lied Poelstra-Sanders)
RABO NL12RABO0304084557
ANBI/Tax number: 855192835


Lucie Driessen (chairman)
Anna Lied Poelstra-Sanders (treasury)
Saja Erens (secretary)


The Mount Meru Foundation wants to contribute to improving mother and child care in Africa. The Foundation wants to share its professional knowledge and experience in obstetrics and ultrasound with colleagues in Tanzania.

The Foundation wants to use the funds received to train ultrasound technicians and purchase ultrasound equipment that will be made available to colleagues in Tanzania.

The board members do not receive any compensation.

Fund Margriet:

We have placed the many donations made in 2022 in memory of Margriet for the Mount Meru Foundation under the name Fonds Margriet. This is to determine the amount of € 3429.02 to be used for a suitable purpose.

Support the past year:

The Mount Meru Foundation received financial support from various private individuals in 2023. The board members have not declared any expenses for their activities and have not received any compensation.


The Foundation receives donations every year from a number of loyal donors.
Our website manager donated the costs for the website.


The packaging campaign also raised a nice amount of €2,737.30 in 2023.

Bank accounts:

The Foundation has both a current and a savings account.

Financial report - revenue 2023:

Income/Donations                     €
Donations (regular donors//spontaneous donations etc.) 6770,05
Reimbursement for Himo field research from the Driving Nurses Foundation 1055,17
Interest 78,25
Packaging 2737,30
Total 10640,77

Financial reporting expenses 2023:

Costs                     €
Training costs “Further training of our graduated sonographer” and Himo field research 3680,75
Bank charges 176,13
Other small material/printing/PR 27,97
Ultrasound equipment and accessories 12586,64
Total 16471,49

Training costs “Further training sonographer”:

Due to the corona pandemic and the revision of the ultrasound training, the training has slowly started again in 2023. No candidate could start training at the KCMC academic hospital in Moshi in 2023.
The Foundation has found Regina Namumba, a very experienced ultrasound technician with whom the Foundation worked fruitfully at the Mount Meru hospital in Arusha, willing to provide intensive hands-on training to 2 ultrasound technicians selected by us. Regina also visited Zanzibar for 5 days in October 2023 to provide hands-on training to Johanna Omar and other junior sonographers. Regina now works in Tabora at the Mamola hospital 800 km away from Arusha.
Travel, accommodation and training costs were paid by the Foundation.

Bank charges:

Costs must be paid to the bank every month.

Costs of ultrasound equipment and accessories:

In 2023, 2 ultrasound machines with accompanying tablets, power banks, and backpacks were purchased.


In conclusion, it can be stated that the Foundation has a negative balance of €5,830.72 in 2023. The balance of the checking and savings account on 01-01-2023 was € 30,449.01. In 2023 there have been a number of donors and funds have been received through some sponsorship campaigns and other donations.
The balance on the checking and savings accounts (€20,000.01) on 12/31/2023 was €24,618.29.