improves mother and child care in Afrika
For several years, the Foundation has been involved with the health center in Himo, providing comprehensive ultrasound services to pregnant women. In 2020, midwife Jackline Shirma, with the support of the Foundation, was able to undergo local ultrasound training. Subsequently, under the guidance of Dr. Maeda, an ultrasound specialist and physician at the hospital, she gained necessary practical experience. In 2021, Jackline pursued further training in Tabora under our trainer Regina Namumba, sponsored by the Foundation. In 2023, Dr. Maeda retired, leaving Jackline as the sole ultrasound specialist in the hospital. She manages a full schedule of ultrasound appointments, and the need for a second ultrasound specialist is evident and crucial. We hope that midwife Esther Dorcus can commence her training in Moshi in 2024. Additionally, we aim to continue Jackline's training in 2024.
In 2023, extensive field research took place in the rural areas around Himo in collaboration with the Driving Nurses Foundation. The findings highlighted a need for mobile midwifery care with ultrasound in these areas. However, with Dr. Maeda's retirement, it became clear that there is currently a pressing need for training in ultrasound and increased capacity in Himo itself. In the upcoming period, SMM (Stichting Mount Meru) aims to focus primarily on addressing these needs.