We are proud to announce that the first three students sponsored by the Mount Meru Foundation have obtained their ultrasound certificate at the KCMC Hospital! Oscar, Veronika and Wilson have earned it well, they have worked hard for it. They
The coffee break of the WTC Zijtaart cycling club last Sunday-Mother’s Day- raised 545 euros for the Mount Meru Foundation! A very nice contribution for the care of mother and child in Tanzania.
Our third candidate, Wilson Simpa, started the ultrasound training at the end of April! Wilson is a Clinical Officer at Karatu District Hospital in Karatu, a rural district in the Arusha region of northern Tanzania. The Karatu District Hospital is
We recently introduced you to Veronika. Before she started the echo course, our board member Saja went out with her for a day with the Mamabus 2.0. Veronika got a taste of ultrasound and that tasted like more.Saja talks to
The action of the Filmhuis Kollum on International Women’s Day for the benefit of the Mount Meru Foundation yielded a total of 476 euros! In April, the first Tanzanian midwife can now start training for ultrasound scanners!