verbetert moeder- en kindzorg in Afrika

2017 - 2017
- The required amount for the purchase of an echo device has been received.
- Mid 2017 a portable ultrasound device, the Mindray Z6, will be purchased.
- During a working visit to Tanzania, the ultrasound machine is officially transferred to the Mount Meru hospital.
- In collaboration with the radiologist at the hospital, Dr. Richard Sungura, give Margriet van der Weel-Roem and Anna Lied Poelstra-Sanders a few days of hands-on training.
- Anna Lied also provides hands-on training to Johanna, a German obstetrician who has been working in a small maternity clinic near Stone Town in Zanzibar for 10 years.
- At the end of 2017, contact will be made with the Driving Nurses foundation. Driving Nurses Foundation ensures that a Mamabus runs in rural areas around the city of Moshi to educate women on all aspects of pregnancy and motherhood. Together we are investigating the possibility of a mobile ultrasound device in the Mamabus and offering fully-fledged pregnancy checks in 5 villages (20,000 people) that are far away from a medical post.